Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Bright winter skies are over Sardinia now and it's been two months since my blissful day on that beach in Golfo Aranci. An extra dose of motivation is needed when I'm facing the car drive back and forth to teach in Sassari and the urge to hibernate is strong.  Friends  are  providing perfect examples of how to meet challenges head on and find precious stores of creative energy. Some are experiencing the wonders and demands of becoming young grandparents in their late 40's and one very particular contemporary of mine is preparing for a much more extreme demand on her resources.  Becoming the first woman to reach the North Pole Solo is the goal of Rosie Stancer who is... 'the embodiment of the idea that with self-belief, motivation and application, anyone can push temselves beyond their perceived limitations and achieve the extraordinary'... I'm quoting from the website below which gives an exciting glimpse into preparations this side of the ice.   Energising to say the least and well worth following...
